Friday, July 5, 2013

Can my first post be any more awkward?

So this blog has been under construction for a while. I don't know why it has taken me almost a year to get this up and running but it has. I've been so excited about being able to keep a collection of my thoughts somewhere online and possibly meeting people with the same interests and situations as myself. This blog is just this, the reality of someone whose life revolves around work and up until May, studying. What little time I get, I either have errands to do, nails to repaint, an apartment to clean, dinner to cook, family to visit, sleep to be had or most importantly, time to be spent with the Fiance.

This is going to be a smorgasbord of who know what. Maybe it'll begin to take on a specific direction once I get going but for now, it is what it is...

On another note, I hope everyone had an amazing Independence Day!


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